Monday, March 31, 2008

April 2 Is World Autism Day!

Hats off to CNN for their extensive coverage of autism this week. You can watch it on TV or catch some of it here:

Monday, March 3, 2008

So Obsessive!

Dylan is obsessing over so many things right now. I gotta figure out what is causing it. He is obsessed with watching old videos of Baby Einstein, something he's long outgrown. Yesterday, at church he was so obsessed with this flat tire outside that he could NOT go inside. He spent about an hour in the parking lot. I told his teacher, it probably would have been faster to just change a stranger's tire! He wants the lights on in the playroom, even when he's not playing in there. For all the highs we've had lately, this obsessive behavior is for sure a low. I've gotten some advice from other parents on what may be causing it, so I'll have to do some experiments with his vitamins this week. Wish me luck, I NEED good results!

I love this new video on You Tube, it even shows the place where Dylan goes to occupational therapy!