Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who Else Cries at Presidential Debates?

No matter what the pundits say about tonight's presidential debates, Sen. McCain brought me to tears with this one statement "I will spend whatever it takes to find the cure for autism." At least he brought it up, then Obama talked about it too. After a day of these thoughts: "What's wrong with my son's stomach" and "Are his reading scores keeping pace?" and "Should I push him harder?" or "Does he need a big break from therapies, vitamins, school?" ... it was somehow comforting to curl up to the TV and hear someone say that they'd fight to stop this awful condition. It must be stopped. I spent time today reading about more potential causes and feeling the guilt: Was it the first vaccine he received as a newborn when I wasn't even in the room? Was it teflon in any pans we used? Was it metals in drinking water? Was it construction dust or other environmental hazards that contributed to this? Who knows! Why don't we know more? It's appaling to me that President Bush, the NIH, CDC and other health organizations have NEVER declared a war on autism. Why not? It impacts more children than childhood obesity or leukemia. Why do the parents have to fight so hard without the support of any health organizations? I'm tired today. I need someone else to fight the fight. I felt like giving grumpy ole McCain a big hug. Thank you for recognizing that this too is a drain on our schools. Thank you for acknowledging that it needs to get better. Thank you for recognizing that parents aren't the only ones responsible for finding a cause. Thank you for acknowledging my pain! There's a child upstairs who thanks you too!

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