Thursday, December 13, 2007

"I'm Sick... "

Today is Day 2 of Dylan on Valtrex and day who-knows-what of cutting out sugar, adding a zillion vitamins in his system, etc. It's going to be a rough road. Many autism moms have told me this is really hard on their bodies to kill off the viruses and toxins.

At school, he told the teacher "I'm sick."

But, he had no fever or outside reason to send him home.

That breaks my heart. I wish I could be doing all this treatment at home and keep him in a bubble. It'd be easier if life could just stop and we could focus on treatment. But, he has school and therapies and lots of other things going on.

I'm finding it harder to not monitor him though. Tonight, I went to a mom's ornament exchange night in my neighborhood. When I got home, I learned Dylan was refusing his treatments and only swallowed half. He usually has to take 3-5 things each morning and night. I hate hearing he only got half. But, I know the poor kid is sick of it. Was it even worth going out? I so badly want results and in some ways it's all I want to think about.

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